Why it matters
GREEN members believe that, as stated in the GREEN’s Investor Statement, it is of the utmost importance for investors to be able to understand risks and opportunities and analyze real estate assets and portfolios against science-based transition pathways. Consequently, investors urge real estate companies and funds to disclose their Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions’ progress in the context of these pathways and/or at least disclose energy- and carbon-intensity data per property type for each country. Furthermore, when a company discloses asset-level data, this allows stakeholders, such as investors and GREEN, to hold them accountable for their ESG goals.
Vicinity Centers and GPT Group
Vicinity Centers and GPT group are Australian-based companies with commercial properties located one hundred percent in Australia. Vicinity Centers and GPT group currently manage and operate more than 60 and 100 assets respectively.
Asset-level data disclosure practices
Vicinity Centers disclosed on its website the environmental performance data (energy, GHG, water and waste) on asset-level of 59 operating properties.

A similar practice is adopted by GPT Group. The fund launches an interactive platform (Tableau) that are open to public. The platform allows stakeholders to look for asset-level environmental performance energy, GHG (Scope 1 and 2 only for now), and water data with multiple sorting and filtering options.

For more details, see:
Vicinity Centers FY24 Sustainability Reporting
GPT Envoronment Data Pack (xlsx)
GPT Sustainability Data Dashboard
Questions about this best practices?
Do you have any questions about this best practices? Or do you want to know more about GREEN? We currently represents assets under management of approximately € 3 trillion, representing both asset managers and asset owners. Please contact Maaike Hof, co-CEO of GREEN to learn more about this not-for-profit collaborative engagement initiative for institutional investors, focusing on reducing climate risk in the real estate industry.